Range Rules
** There is an Emergency Action Plan posted on the bulletin board by the gate**
Each member MUST sign in when using the range and sign out when finished.
- Equipment on the range shall be limited to legal hunting gear or equipment recognized as competitive by the NFAA, IBO or FITA using target or field points only.
- No broadheads on the target butts.
- The use of crossbows is illegal in Burnaby and therefore not permitted on the field.
- When on the Range, Membership Badges must be visible at all times.
- Only Members may use the Range NO GUESTS NO VISITORS NO DROP-INS .
- Report any infractions of Rules to a Board Members as soon as possible.
- Children and pets must be closely supervised at all times. No running or “horseplay” on the range. (Children must 10 years and older to practice on the range).
- Supervision, by at least one parent or an appointed guardian, is required at ALL times while youth (under 18) are participating in archery at the range.
- NO DROP OFFs! A person must be 19 yrs. or older to be a guardian of youth.
1. LINE CONTROL- Whenever there are more than two archers on the range all rules are in effect and shooting will be controlled. The more senior member will act as Line Marshall (lower membership number). Someone must act as the Line Marshall.
2. ONE LINE- All archers on the field will shoot together and collect arrows together off one line in one direction.
3. SIGNAL TO SHOOT- Archers will stay off the line and may not nock an arrow until the range is clear and the Line Marshall gives the signal to shoot. One whistle blast or in a clear, loud voice ”the line is hot”.
4. SIGNAL TO COLLECT- When you have shot, step back off the line to indicate to the Line Marshall and your fellow archers that you are done shooting. When everyone is done the Line Marshall will signal to collect with three whistles or verbally ”the line is clear”.
5. EMERGENCY- If there is an emergency (someone in the shooting zone) a series of five or more whistles should be blown. Anyone can shout to “stop shooting”. If you are at full draw and have to let down, lower your bow towards the ground and let down. Step off the line.
6. SHOOTING SPACE- Only one member per target. Two members from the same family and living together may shoot on the same target unless they are crowding others. The 2 meter rule must be adhered to. From center to center the butts are 2.52 meters apart. Maximum 6 arrows per end. If people are waiting to shoot and want to use the butt you are on, limit your practice to one hour. Be respectful, don't keep others waiting.
7. LOOKING FOR ARROWS- Should you miss the butt and have to look for an arrow, let the people you are shooting with know so one of them can stand in front of the butt. Let the Line Marshall know. Be considerate and don’t hold up the line too long.
8. If you are alone at the range and need to look for an arrow, leave your bow directly in front of the butt so anyone else showing up knows there’s someone back there.
All members: If you see any suspicious or worrisome behaviour e.g. loitering, damaging property, or just feel uneasy about using the field if non-members are on the property - you can call 604-294-7200. City of Burnaby right away. They will often have Park Patrols and Service trucks in and around the area and they will come as quickly as possible. (Phone Number will be posted at the field as well)
If however, it’s an Emergency - call 911 right away
If you would like to report a concern or have a question for Burnaby Board members email burnabyarcherspresident@gmail.com